Policy, Advocacy, & Civic Engagement
Making MENA count in Texas
Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) Americans make up about 3.5 million or more in the United States population. Texas has over 249,362 MENA Americans and Bexar County sits as second highest just under Harris County with the highest MENA population of 46,929. Middle Eastern and North African people are also often misrepresented as a homogeneous group, but they are an extremely diverse group, with ethnicities from over 16 different countries. Culturingua is advocating for legislation in Texas for state agencies, boards, and commissions to include a Middle Eastern and North African category, as well as collect detailed data on race and ethnicity. Americans of all backgrounds in this State experience diverse social, educational, health, and economic differences that are unique to their respective communities and are particularly unique to their white counterparts. In an effort to address those inequities, detailed data collection and a MENA category is the first step. Our advocacy efforts extend to the local level in San Antonio, which is why some City departments have already implemented a MENA category in their forms and surveys, but we are still advocating for a city-wide announcement and change.
Voter Engagement
Culturingua believes in mobilizing our community to use their voice and exercise their right to vote. Arab Americans and other marginalized groups all around the U.S struggle with the idea of voting and whether or not their vote counts. We understand the obstacles and barriers that voters face before getting to the polls and that it is even more challenging when there are laws created to disenfranchise voters. Through our civic engagement efforts, we register people to vote, host focus groups and listening sessions, partner with local organizers like the League of Women Voters and MOVE TX and empower young voters to create the political power they want to see. We host voter registration events for National Voter Registration Day, National Arab American Voter Registration Day, at naturalization ceremonies, and during election time! If you are interested in volunteering with us, please email analyssa@culturingua.com.
Soon to come: Party at the polls: Join Culturingua at the polls to enjoy a cultural dish, get free SWAG, and most importantly, VOTE!
Teatime with Culturingua: Here we will host community members at a local business to discuss civic engagement issues, hear from our elected reps. and community leaders, and enjoy delicious tea.
Health Equity for MENA Americans
On March 28th, 2024, the Office of Management and Budget announced their revisions to Statistical Policy Directive (SPD) 15, which set the federal standards for data collection on race and ethnicity. This revision includes the addition of the long awaited Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) category, and encourages federal agencies to also collect detailed data within those categories (ex: Lebanese, Palestinian, Egyptian, etc.). Even though this is a huge win, the work is barely starting. We must ensure federal agencies develop plans to collect detailed data and that the Office of Minority Health conducts a study on MENA and Arab Americans. It has already been proven through various private research, our community is disproportionately affected at a higher rate by diabetes, high cholesterol, cancer, and heart disease. With the implementation of a MENA category across state and local levels, health professionals can bring visibility to Arab Americans and develop the resources needed to address the culturally and linguistically appropriate measures.