Community Development
We use the WIN Network Vital Conditions Wheel to drive our various programs:
Belonging and Civic Muscle:
Belonging and Civic Muscle:
"Focuses on fulfilling relationships, the social support people need to thrive, encouraging people to be part of a community and contribute to its vibrancy."
Basic Needs for Health & Safety
Basic Needs for Health & Safety
"Focuses on what we need to live healthy lives, what makes a community safe and free from violence, crime, and hazards, and how to build and support communities in which people can be active and access the nutrients and care they need."
Lifelong Learning:
Lifelong Learning:
"Focuses on good education, which ensures all people, regardless of background or ability, are set up for success, and have the opportunities to reach their full potential. "
English as a Second Language
Financial Literacy (Coming Soon)